Half Empty, Since 1998

/e/ — Everything

/e/ — Everything was a Wakaba-based anonymous image board, active between 12/2011 and 06/2013.
Thanks go out to all who participated.

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This sign was in the bakery section of my neighborhood supermarket in Shanghai. I think the message is that their croissants will make you irresistible to white women and your wife will be cool with it.

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In threesome porno, sometimes one girl will get the majority of the attention, while the other girl just kind of hovers desperately. This window display in Suzhou, China used that imagery for their Spring 2007 fashion DOs and DON'Ts.

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This massive ad is in a shopping arcade in Hiroshima, Japan. Women in Hiroshima are not giants that shoot lasers from their armpits, but it looks like the designer figured whatever happened to Godzilla probably happened to them too. He's a busy guy, he doesn't have time to check Wikipedia about pointless details. Plus, he hates looking at Jimmy Wales' face.

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From a store in Hiroshima. This strapless bra comes with a free cardboard mask I guess?