Half Empty, Since 1998

/e/ — Everything

/e/ — Everything was a Wakaba-based anonymous image board, active between 12/2011 and 06/2013.
Thanks go out to all who participated.

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The original series was createdusing material licensed from the Japanese cartoons Beast King GoLion and Armored Fleet Dairugger XV. The producers had no means of translating the Japanese series into English, so they surmised the plots and created all-new dialogue.

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The series Mirai Robo Daltanious was originally planned to be adapted by World Events Productions as part of Voltron. When requesting master tapes for translation purposes, producers requested the "[The] ones with the lion." Mistakenly, Toei then proceeded to ship copies of Beast King GoLion, another "combining-robot" animé featuring lion-shaped fighters. However, the World Events producers greatly preferred GoLion to Daltanious, and the GoLion episodes went on to become the most popular portion of the original Voltron run.