Dear Alanis...Since I don't have a tape deck or CD player in my car, I am forced to listen to pop music on the radio all day long. As a result, I find myself enjoying songs by artists I can't stand. As a result of this cognative dissonance, I've written my own song...a DANA J. ROBINSONCULTURE, 3/9/99 MUSIC Dear Natalie,You are so hot. You are a little lass from down under and your song about being torn really spoke to me because I had been recently ripped to shreds myself. And unfortunately the rest of your career is kinda crummy and I'm sorry to be the one to have to tell you. Dear Aaliyah, When will you grow up? And do you really have a whole album on the market right now? I heard that one song about being goody goody and naughty naughty on the radio one day while I was driving and I thought it rather catchy but then that baby coo just pissed me off and so now I still hate you except for this one song despite the baby. Dear Alanis, This song's for you. I've never really liked your stuff much at all but then you wrote and sang "Unsent" and now I want to shoot myself for liking it as much as I do. And I know that's not healthy but sometimes I can't help it and you should walk around knowing you killed me with your music. Dear Meredith, You've been a bitch. You were also a mother a lover a tease a goddess and you were on your knees and I've found myself in all those places at one time or another so I wanted to commend you for speaking to me but now I'm asking you if you could please just shut up now? Thanks. Dear Dave, You, your band and your fans are a bunch of hippies and I hate hippies (but moreover I hate hippie-wannabes and you've got lots of those, too) but then you sang that one song about crashing into me and I took it personally and now it makes my cry when I hear it and so I give you credit for that but for nothing else you've done in the past or will ever do in the future. ½ email DANA
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