Half Empty, Since 1998

/e/ — Everything

/e/ — Everything was a Wakaba-based anonymous image board, active between 12/2011 and 06/2013.
Thanks go out to all who participated.

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Amazing man caves.

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When searching for man caves on google I found this site: http://www.oddee.com/item_97008.aspx. I found most of them to be depressingly ostentatious and unimaginative. Looking for some with a little more grit. Not necessarily ones you need lots of money to put together, but ones with a lot of heart.

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Although it is a rad cave and a rad car, there is something sad about this pic. Just sitting there alone with his arms crossed, looking at his ferrari, like: "now what?".

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Ok, this one's kindov cute. I'd LARP with him.

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Ralph Lauren's man cave. Make's the guy from No.111 look even sadder. Sorry buddy, just when you thought you'd arrived ; )

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Cars in living rooms are tacky, IMO

As I recall, this one's some kind of a research station

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I forget what this was...


Ah, the caption: "RAYS OF HOPE: The National Ignition Facility in California. (Photo: Jacqueline McBride)"

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Sorry I've kind-of co-opted the man cave thread for futuristic scientific gear.

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I would have this in my man-cave, if I had a man-cave